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Born in Scotland (1992) Fraser McPhee started his path in Product Design following a more technical education at the City of Glasgow College. Wanting to follow a more conceptual route, Fraser moved to the Netherlands and to join the Design Academy Eindhoven. He graduated from the Man & Activity department in 2018.

Fraser McPhee’s work combines the field of industrial design with the borders of critical design. Creating objects and projects that promote an investigatory mindset to industry, consumers and viewers. His work focuses on the topics of industry, the mass-produced and technology.


Craftex Prize Winner 2016

Brains Award Finalist 2016


Graduation Show G18 2018

Het Bureau 2018

Ya Present 2018


Pupil "Touch" & "Paper Planes" 2018

Dude Magazine - Top Graduates "Data Mortis" 2018

NPO2 - De Toekomst Bouwers "Data Mortis" 2018

Radical Ecologies 2017

Eindhoven Dagblad "Wave" 2016

Fraser McPhee 2018

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